Thursday, May 17, 2007

Some things are just not appropriate.

Seriously. Speaking about women in general, speaking in the heat of the moment, being emotional - please. There is always that split second decision that you choose to make and this time, these two MP's (this being a public blog, I'll refrain from all the other expletives I'd like to describe them with) chose to make statements about a woman's monthly menses cycle in the crudest possible form.

And the cheek that they have to smile and laugh about it. And the reports about them saying it was said in jest, or people should take it with a pinch of salt, don't be so serious about it etc ... to these people I say:

  1. This is the freakin Parliament. A place of dignity, honor etc where laws are debated, discussed and made etc.
  2. You are the freakin people that the people picked and voted for to represent us in our best interests.
  3. You came OUT of a woman, you have women in your life and this is your way of describing them "tiap - tiap bulan pun bocor mah" and then laugh about it.
  4. This isn't a mamak stall where decorum etc is required ... and now that I think about it ... it's just not any kind of comment that should be made. It's rude, it's crude, it's insulting and freaking disgusting to talk about women, any woman for that matter in that manner!!!
  5. Would you be laughing if we were talking about your wife's or your daughter's or your mother's or your sister's biological functions and make it a joke? You are the same kind of people who say that women who are raped deserve it. You are NO different. You are scum of the earth.
And to think that you will only apologize IF the Cabinet asks it of you. HELL!!!! Apologize because you are wrong, not because some Cabinet compels you to. Damn it.

One thing's for sure, BN is no longer getting my vote as long as I'm a Malaysian. Never been so ashamed of being a Malaysian before. We have ANIMALS representing us.

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