Monday, April 28, 2008

Recycle for a better Earth

With Ms. Redd's continued onslaught on saving the Environment, one can't help but get all involved with it too! :)

Oi Redd ... this is what I use for groceries la. AUD2.00 from Rottness Island. Nice eh?


Ms. Redd said...

yeahhh it looks nice
and i remember it too!!!
dammit..!! should have bought one for myself...nvm...looks like i need to hunt!

Kenneth said...

ben's going to visit rottness ma ... ask him to buy from the village grocery store lo.

Unknown said...

we use our huge mother ikea bag too!
that aussie bag is nice ken, but tak cukup for double income families (who have to feed two mouths rather than one) :p