One of these days, I'm going to get a cake from my cousin and he better make it nice!
This was probably another one of his creations - was busy snapping pictures to ask the birthday gal ... I am guessing that it is - it was delicious ...
... a concept borrowed from Ms. Redd. (thanks Redd ;) )
1. I had a good day. 2. There are some times that I wish it wasn't so. 3. Sometimes, I miss you so much it hurts. 4. I love my job. 5. I dislike certain aspects about my job. 6. I am hungry. 7. I wish plane tickets were cheaper - why can't AirAsia X fly EVERYWHERE? 8. I am tired - of sleeping on the couch, living out of a suitcase. 9. I understand why a dog acts like a million dollars when they are released from cages. 10. I look at my award for BE and wonder how in the world?!?!?!?!
Whilst I enjoy being occupied, I am beginning to feel like a piece of dough being pulled in every which way ... from the MD wanting me to solve his 'phoneasamodemwithmymacbooknotebook', FC not giving two f***s about delivery for our clients, all FC cares about is her $$$, staff not being able to understand basic product knowledge and asking questions about almost everything, new sales staff who need actual baby sitting (wtf! i never got babysat ... independent like shit), I'm feeling a little like Pan Mee at the moment ... all pulled and torn and ready to snap at anyone actually ... not good. Need a break ... a real break! Plus feeling the hollowness like Nileey does, not a good thing.
... to look a lot like Christmas ... everywhere I go ... (well, actually only in Singapore). Over here in KL, still pretty much ... nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Blergh.I miss Christmas in USA.
... I'm going to start, aside from a mini food series, a NATURE series, as I find Nature absolutely fascinating, especially ever since I got my hands on BBC's / Discovery Channel's "Planet Earth & The Blue Planet - Seas of Life" series off of
You should check it out - well worth the investment for future generations.
He's quite the cam-whore also la ... :) in a good way la.
Leads a pretty interesting life - Jerry's friend from when they were ... wait, they're both still shorter than I am. He he .... but both still better looking. *damn*