Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Random awesome photo ...

Dragonfly in my garden ...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Jem ...

That was my favourite nickname for my brother growing up because there was this funky cartoon on Saturday mornings in the 80's (Lord I'm old) about this chick who'd touch her earrings and become this super Diva whatever ... and Jerry's a diva in a way :P ha ha ha ...

Anyways, he and I've never really gotten along as we were growing up as I guess we had differing views about life etc and the way a person should be etc and you just KNOW that that is a receipe for disaster in itself. I've only recently learnt that there really isn't any SHOULD BE's in life. At any rate, our relationship as brothers are now by far, nothing that I'd would've ever expected it to be growing up. We're not exactly the best of friends - but we're close to being real good friends ... and looking back at where we were before this ... that's pretty damned fine with me! :) Here's looking at you kid! *grin*

This little hottie ...

This little hottie from the Land of Yesterday is solely responsible for the incoherent, babbling, 'oh-so-in-love-like-never-before' brother that I have now. Having lived most of my brother's more ... erm ... colorful past, when it comes to the ladies, that is, I was surprised when he brought this one home almost gift-wrapped the way he went on and on about her ... and with her being from erm ... well let's just say she works at a 'hoighty-toighty' place where people go 'Ta' and 'You looked positively radiant dah-ling!' and blows air kisses *blergh* because she wasn't one of the erm ... well let's just say he ventured out of the cookie cutter! :) And after observing them for a couple of months ... *hmph* this one ... IS the one la I can safely say. I mean you always date the opposite of what you actually want and then when you decide that you've played the field enough and you wanna coach ... you kinda swing all the other way around to the kind of girl you'd never date before this right? :) So yeah, this one actually is a sensible one who puts my bro back in his place ... being from the Land of Yesterday and all. :) *muax* love you!this couple so lovely no? :)

Moving ...

... pretty much a normalcy in life. Shifting from place to place, school to school, home to home. Since I was a little kid, my brother and I were shunted about as our Mum struggled to make ends meet. So I guess moving this whole blog from its previous location isn't something that unexpected coming from me eh? :) So welcome to the new blog ... more to come soon.