She's this bundle of energy now ... she can stand on her own, crawls as fast as you can run in a confined area, SHRIEKS when she doesn't get her way ... LOL ... and she actually 'mock' answers the phone anytime ANYONE'S phone rings. It's so FUNNY it's unbelievable.
So I haven't signed up for a YouTube account, so I can't post the videos of her which are totally FUNNY beyond belief! She was watching a video of Gears of War on Sailor Jerry's iPhone and she was giggling throughout the video! A WAR video! I swear McDad and Sailor Jerry are 'tom-boying' her!
tom-boying is good. when she grows up, ninnie boys can't date her...only manly men!!
plus, we don't need to worry about her being taken advantage of cos she'll know how to look out for herself.
well yeah, true also. :) but she IS only 1 leh.
well, she's girl enough now, and McDad wants her to be the outdoorsy type - the kind that actually plays with dogs and can go hiking and can WOLF WHISTLE with and without fingers, and is intellectual and smart and kind and passionate and compassionate and loving.
Look out world, here comes my sister!
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