Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Avril Lavigne's Concert Cancelled fiasco ...

For the umpteenth time, I am EMBARRASSED to be a Malaysian. My previous post not withstanding, because I'm still damned proud of Chong Wei, I am absolutely DISGUSTED with our Government, namely the Arts, Culture and Heritage Ministry and the PAS-youth wing. They actually had the gall and obviously they weren't in line when God was handing out brains and taste, and have cancelled Avril Lavigne's concert here.

The reason?

From our own Government: She's "Not in the spirit of our National Day".

From PAS' (Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party) youth wing: "She's too sexy".

My thoughts: These people live in the stone age where women should be at home, become baby factories and subjugate themselves to their manly men and be smacked around when they don't listen or when they dare open their mouths to speak. Women cause men to lose all rationale and reason and rape everything with a skirt nearby. God, these people have set back the Equal Rights Movement about 1,000 years. Christ.

Read this from the Yahoo! website.

God, I'll be so happy when I leave this stinking country. Avril, honey - it's a good thing that you aren't coming here now ... I have never been more ashamed of our country and their ignorant, stone-age mentality.

Take it from me, one of your fans, you're better off going to Singapore. I'll spend my ringgit in Singapore and make them richer - I seriously don't mind.

Truly, it is our Government and the f*%$#^& PAS Youth who are truly the blots on our National Heritage and if anything, teach us, that after 51 years of being independent, we are not better than we were 51 years ago. Our Government is infantile (right now, both the Opposition and Ruling parties), argue about the stupidest of issues and are still mud-slinging at each other. Oh My GOD when are you all going to do SOMETHING for the country? They CLAIM to be multi-racial and multi-cultural, but mention anything against a specific dominant religion and God forbid you be thrown in jail. Sheesh.

It's a wonder that women are even allowed to walk the streets here, much less even work.

Holy Moses!



n i l e e y said...

you know what, this is just way beyond ridiculous! I seriously don't regard Avril as 'sexy' but if they want to protest and complain about every female artist who wants to perform here, they are better off living in the stone ages.

Ms. Redd said...

i thought it was okay already....they approved?? ah well...

Kenneth said...

nileey: I know right? WTF?!?!?!? These people should really actually attend one of the concerts before spewing their religious doctrines and hiding behind nationalism. stupid, stupid people.

carol: it was re-approved and removed again. stupid right? can't make up their minds right? ignoramus, ignorant, bigoted, sexist wankers all of them.

fatboybakes said...

kenkutis, now only you know ah? our country is run by morons!!!

Kenneth said...

FBB: I still young mah. Only voted twice so far :P hahahaha but i'm on a crash course ...