Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Transfer


My MD decided that it would be a great idea to rock the boat.

SO ... guess who got transferred YET again? ;)

Yeah. Me. Where to? You ask. Sales. The freakin' Sales Department.

The mover and shaker of the Company.

The Department that has been Juggernaut's stronghold. So, it was with great trepidation that I took over the helm of what was essentially the Department I was doing my darndest to get out of when the Juggernaut was at the helm.

However, as nervous and apprehensive as I was, it wasn't any more difficult than it was when I was at the helm of the Marketing Department. The team in the Sales Department, I reckon, heaved a collective sigh of relief when Juggernauts was transferred. And I guess, with great reason too. Now that I'm here, I don't believe in the Iron Fist method. I kinda like things to grow organically with certain guidelines in place. The result?

With the exception of freaky September, every month since July has seen an increase in Sales with this past October being one of the highest. Talk about the Team really starting to stretch their wings!!! :) I'm SO proud of them. ;)

Will write more soon. Need to get back to work. Oh yeah, nice ya my new template? The puppy at the top? My brother's new pup. His name? Jack Bauer, after the guy in 24. Cute, right? Should see him in real life. ;)


n i l e e y said...

looks like you are doing ok after all :)

Jack Bauer? cute name for a dog!

Kenneth said...

Hi Yee Lin! :)

Yes, I am doing better now, thanks! Just needed to figure out how to balance the madness that is the office. I'm sorry to hear that so many of your team members are leaving. After reading your entry, I'm certain that you've done all you can for your team members. There's only so far that you can hold their hands and guide them on a path. They are after all adults who have graduated from Uni (based on the fact that you are at a prestigious MNC) and should be able to fend for themselves. So don't beat yourself up unnecessarily on things that are beyond your control.
