Thursday, June 5, 2008

Holy Cow ...

... o.O Petrol prices have rocketed! A startling increase from RM1.92 to RM2.70 per liter. That translates to (using 1 gallon = 3.78 liters) USD3.20 a gallon. o.O

And once again, as predicted, the Government and their lackeys are telling the People to re-adjust their lifestyles. I wonder, seriously, if they had to pay for their own gas, electricity and water bills, would they be talking as much? Sitting in air-conditioned offices, chauffeur driven limos and cars and getting to make policies that affect millions of lives, but not having to suffer the consequences of it, must be nice.

Electricity tariffs are increasing by 18% for households who use more than 200kW of electricity a month. So CHEERS for all you sad people who only use 1 fan and 1 fridge and do not watch TV the whole week. BOO for us who actually bought air conditioners and thermal pots, have ASTRO, have a TV that we actually watch almost daily. I guess we should all just sit at the mamak and drink tea and read newspapers and gossip about the Government as our forefathers did. We should also all stop visiting shopping malls, cinemas, buying CDs (you know you can use Limewire right?). Oh wait. That would require the use of a computer. And Internet. And God knows that Badawi told us to change our lifestyle. Perhaps we should regress to a 3rd World Country mentality. That would be a change of lifestyle wouldn't it?

Maybe we should all vote to slash the Government servants salaries. And no more luxuries for them. They have to pay their own electricity bills and all. They want to avoid the rich getting ricer and the poor getting poorer. Hmm ... interesting concept when now, all that happens is the petrol companies get richer, TNB - with their dismal service and BRILLIANT POST TAX PROFITS of literal millions are getting richer. Does the Government even think before they launch their programs? ARGH! The People aren't exactly getting a salary review you know? If anything, our salaries are either stagnant or slow to increase. Perhaps we should all now increase the prices of our goods that we sell and the services we offer.

Never ending
circle I tell you.

Last night was traffic chaos incarnate. What was usually a 5 minute drive from the office to my home, took 25 minutes. LOL.


But I understand the reasons behind it. It's a big savings this one tank of petrol - RM30 - RM50 per family. And that's a lot in this crap economy.

I have one thing to say to batster a.k.a. Yim. Based on your text yesterday, I am happy that I have met a despicable human being such as yourself. A rich, self-centered, arrogant person
and I am happy that I got to meet you because you remind me of everything that I don't want to be. If you are bloody inconvenienced by the traffic jams that were caused by the petrol hike, take a look at the people who aren't as fortunate as you, who, just like you are trying to make it in the world. I hope that ... you know what ... you are NOT worth it. No wonder you're friendless. :P

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