Joy and Truth
Despite the hiccups faced when preparing for the 'Corporate Social Responsible' program that a local investment bank decided to sponsor i.e. from late arriving door gifts / furniture / lack of manpower etc, I would say that my role as the Logistics Supervisor / Program Director went pretty well and the important fact is this - we helped to nourish and encourage the future wealth creation for 111 teenagers, who were mostly in the dark about financial matters prior to this.
Getting them to share was at first ... an experience similar to that of a wisdom tooth extraction, but the moment KitKats and Mentos sweets were popped out as gifts for answers (both right and wrong, the point here was to encourage thinking, sharing and courage to share, not to mention increasing the potential for diabetes :P) all 222 hands flew up and we even had a cute, miniscule little Indian teen jumping up and down in his seat, who, I was amazed and a little disturbed to learn was in the 8th Grade. Holy cow - they get smaller every year!
All in all ... it was a fantastic experience. *Unbah from previous post he he*
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