Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's been a year -

Dear blog,

It's been a year. I'm sorry that I've neglected you. You were always there for me, unquestioningly and I've thrown you in the back of the bookshelf.

I'm sorry for that. I promise to make it up to you! *smile*

I promise.

But, first things first, Happy 2011.

What's been happening? I woke up. Like that movie 'Jerry Maguire' ... it's like I've had an epiphany and I noticed that a lot of it has been with me rediscovering the One being, Whom, although I am imperfect before Him, still chooses to accept me for who and what I am He made me.

For this I am grateful and remain yours Solely, always and forever, no matter how ... 'inconvenient' it might get at social occasions. ;)

The reason for my waking up is because I guess I realize that I started standing up for myself more and started taking less crap and slack from others. Less doormat-ish and more 'concrete pillar' like.

I guess you'd have to know ME in order to understand what a big deal that is for me. I guess I'm starting to see the ME that I never really acknowledged before and I like the more assertive, confident me and knowing that I can do what I set my mind to do!

Ok ... I guess that's enough philosophical mumbo-jumbo for me.

I'll catch ya tomorrow ok! ;)