Monday, June 4, 2007

Tiny Tin ...

Well, I have few friends, if any, in this world whom I treasure dearly. It takes a whole lot of something something for me to trust ANYONE these days, and I'm glad that I have the few friends that I do. Hartini's one of them. She's unlike any other girl I've met. She's caring, compassionate, insecure but strong at the same time. She's a lot of the times, a walking paradox. So this post is dedicated to the lady that calls me "Inspiron".

Tini, you have accomplished so much in life already, you need to take a step back from the picture, and see the whole painting. You're too focused on painting micro that you forget to see that every little micro thing that you do adds up to the macro picture of your life. Just like how right now, I don't see myself pursuing the issue with my Dad and the rest of the management, I know that it will work itself out one day. I needed to take a step back and know it. Refer to previous post - whilst still upset, I know that it will work out one day. It's all for a greater good, whatever it is.

Your life is filled with amazing people who care and love for you. People want you to succeed! We want to see you happy and in love with life like you always talk about. Think about those stars that were burning millions of light years away for you and Val to see. Think about the ocean crashing onto shore for your listening pleasure ... Allah made everything so that you might enjoy it. You are a beautiful, confident and strong lady - CLAIM IT! :)

1 comment:

Tini Zubir said...

I don't have anything else to say except for THANK YOU :) Thank You and Thank You for always being there for me :)I will always love you Inspirion ;)