So I got called in today for my Increment briefing by my MD and my future MD. Overall, they said that: - They are happy with my performance as a Sales Manager, no complaints and they can see that I'm managing my BFs well etc and that the BFs are also happy with me and loyal etc etc.
- The Management is also happy with me and my performance.
- My gross income in 2009 vs 2010 has increased and that is good (hmm.).
- My increment this year is ... ... ... :X
They move on to say that as much and as hard as I am 'pressuring' my BFs and training them as well, I should give them a 'pressure relief valve' lest I face the risk of losing them. I must be less 'dictator'-like, I guess ... if someone from my team has gone to the Management about me I guess. :( But I'm going to be taking them for a brilliant time in March, so hopefully it gets better ... ;)
I came across these pictures on Facebook the other day ... and boy, did they open the floodgates of memories. I can actually remember how I used to think that the world was perfect, I had friends from all walks of life and also how mean some other kids could be. Now, 20 years later, I discover, that nothing much has changed.
Sure, we're older, taller, supposedly more mature, but now we can also make more grown up decisions. But we don't always do that ... do we? I'm happy to discover though, that I still feel a lot of hope for the possibility for a better world ... funny how seeing a picture of a younger me can bring back such deep feelings ... :)
As I walked about capturing moments in time, I notice you standing stoically amongst the imposing and gargantuan buildings surrounding you on all three sides. Yet, you exude this calmness and peace and are gently secure in your surroundings. What a gem of a find! As I take your portrait in my little camera, I wonder who built you. Who placed each brick and stone and poured the concrete and cast the keystones and who carved the lovely, intricate details that are evident on your facade as well as your interior.
It's been a long, long time since I've been the House of The Lord, but that doesn't mean that I still don't love Him. I just ... have issues. ;) And I'm certain that He understands. Or at least, I hope He does ...
But, a house of worship of any religion, always soothes the soul. Kinda like a cuppa hot chocolate of a cold, rainy day. Or Devil Curry poured over steaming hot rice during winter. Oh Mama, I miss you! ;)
It was a meal that, if I remember correctly, was made with a lot of love and laughter. Fran was laughing at me as I was tearing up whilst peeling and chopping the red onions, and I was laughing at myself because my eyes stung so bad.
As my winamp pumps Michael Jackson's "Heal The World", I recall the subsequent happiness and laughter as we had a family dinner that was made from and with love. I wonder how we at how light hearted we were and how much fun that night was. It was truly a night to remember and enjoy.
I give thanks for the family that I have, imperfect we may be, but that's the reason we love each other.
I love each and everyone of you ... despite appearances that come once in a while ...
"I'd like to sail away with you, to places far and wide, mysterious and fun!" said I to the little red dinghy, moored in the freezing waters, surrounded by bigger and larger craft than he.
It creaked softly in reply, as if acknowledging my request, but like me at that time, was anchored by circumstance, unable to move, unless permitted.
I know how you feel, I mused as I clicked my Canon and listened to the shutter 'click', as I froze a moment in time. I feel transported back in time, to when I was 7 and was reading Enid Blyton's adventure stories ... and I was with the Secret Seven, and this was our little red dinghy that we could go to the Secret Island.
I am grateful for those fleeting moments of sweet childhood recollections.
For that, today, I give thanks and am filled with bliss.
Dear blog,
It's been a year. I'm sorry that I've neglected you. You were always there for me, unquestioningly and I've thrown you in the back of the bookshelf.
I'm sorry for that. I promise to make it up to you! *smile*
I promise.
But, first things first, Happy 2011.
What's been happening? I woke up. Like that movie 'Jerry Maguire' ... it's like I've had an epiphany and I noticed that a lot of it has been with me rediscovering the One being, Whom, although I am imperfect before Him, still chooses to accept me for who and what I am He made me.
For this I am grateful and remain yours Solely, always and forever, no matter how ... 'inconvenient' it might get at social occasions. ;)
The reason for my waking up is because I guess I realize that I started standing up for myself more and started taking less crap and slack from others. Less doormat-ish and more 'concrete pillar' like.
I guess you'd have to know ME in order to understand what a big deal that is for me. I guess I'm starting to see the ME that I never really acknowledged before and I like the more assertive, confident me and knowing that I can do what I set my mind to do!
Ok ... I guess that's enough philosophical mumbo-jumbo for me.
I'll catch ya tomorrow ok! ;)